
Showing posts with the label printing paper books

Something you do not know about printing !

Something you do not know about printing !  1. Which is the largest printed book in the world ? The answer is Klencke Atlas !   It's printed in 1660, and only 31 copies of the book. It is 1.75 metres tall (about 5 ft, 9in) by 1.9 metres wide when open (about 6 ft, 3in), 39 sheets/68 pages, 150 kgs. It needs six people to carry it and one person to turn it over with much strength. 2. Which is the  smallest hardcover book  in the world ? The answer is a hardback book printed in 1952, the size is 3.5mm x 3.5mm, which is smaller than a fifty cents coin.   It's with black hardcover, printed by toppan printing. It's a catholic bible combines 7 languages, including American English, British English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Swedish.     3. Which is the biggest size poster in the world ? The answer is poster for the film Boss.   It's printed by a 5 meters width inkjet printer on 36 sheets of PVC board at  size 5 metres x 18 meters and connected together, it costs 30

Owning and Reading paper books is the noble behavior

Owning and Reading paper books is the noble behavior  In the reading reports recently, it says that the reader numbers is declining. It’s not surprising that while reading E-books on mobile phone or tablet become popular nowadays. Here’s the results of the average readers of the paper books in different countries last year: It’s 455 pieces of paper books in China, 10 pieces of paper books in Korean, 20 pieces of paper books in France, 40 pieces of paper books in Japan, 65 pieces of paper books in Israel.       The most common method for reading books is via mobile phones at present. It owns 38.8% readers, it’s much higher than the percentage 27.5% for the paper books readers, including magazines and newspapers.       The report shows that, the best-selling paper books is usually for education, reference books. Actually, it’s very wired while you’re reading a thick professional books in the public or coffee shop, as it’s very difficult for you to find out another person also doing the s