Twelve money-saving printing questions to be asked before printing your promotional material
Twelve money-saving printing questions to be asked before printing your promotional material There are questions you should ask yourself and your commercial printing company in order to make the most of your print budget. Please check the below printing questions with excellent comments. No.1: Will more than one person to check the printing proof before printing? Obviously,no matter how many times you proofread text, you may miss the same glaring error each time it’s passed over. Double checking by another persons, you can sort this out quickly. In fact, the more people that proof your job the better. Unlike online content, you can correct the mistakes later found. Remember, a spell checker won’t catch all the mistakes on your text. More specifically, it won’t catch misspellings that form other valid words. No. 2 If we change the size of the printed product, can we print on a smaller printing machine and save money? There’s no need to have your A5 leaflet printed by a large comme...